Malmö, Sweden - 2009
Architect Caroline Larsson, Malmö Stad and designer Amalie Bo
Malmö City
The playground consists of a small striped town on the fringe of the forest with a large spider in the middle. The children coming out of the forest can run in a circle, around on the wooden bridge, and they can only escape the spider by running into one of the houses. Later, the children play shop at the ice cream booth or play princess for a day at the castle. A traffic jam may occur when the older children arrive and put their cars on the bridge, but all problems can be solved with a little diplomacy. The town consists of five small houses of different shapes and sizes built on piles, and each with their own identity. The houses have been painted in the same colours inside and outside. All the houses are connected by tube telephones, so that you can call before you pay a visit.

The houses are connected to each other by a long wooden ramp rolling like a wave through the town, challenging the youngest children balancing skills, and the older children on their bicycles. At the centre of it, is a large spider with a slide.
Among the houses are a gas station, a ice cream store and a princess tower.