In cities, when the need to expand arises, we often look upwards rather than outwards. Space is limited but when we look upwards, only the sky is the limit! Some of the most fantastic hidden architectural gems can be discovered on rooftops and amongst these, are some brilliant playgrounds waiting to be explored.
‘The Globe’ is situated outside the cultural centre and main library by the harbour of Aarhus. Scattered around the l4.400 sqm large deck, we designed five narrative playgrounds - each representing a different compass direction - with details telling small stories about the wildlife, animals, landscape, geology, and culture from each corner of the world.

Towering above the skyline of Hong Kong, you'll find our magnificent peacock perched on top of a giant birdcage. Encapsulating the bohemian vibe of the surrounding gardens, the peacock is an iconic centrepiece enjoyed by young and old. You can climb up the beautiful tail feathers, slide down the twisty 6-metre tall slide or peep out of the holes in the structure for a unique view of the skyline.

We focus on inclusivity in the design of our playgrounds, seeking to accommodate as many age groups and abilities as possible - creating spaces that are both challenging for bigger kids and stimulating and approachable for the younger ones or those with special needs. The sheer scale of the peacock makes it the perfect challenge for children 5 years of age and up, whilst the smaller peahen provides a great environment for smaller toddlers and children to explore at their level.

LEGO House is a landmark building in Denmark, designed by BIG Architects to resemble 21 giant LEGO bricks, creating space for exhibitions, activities, and lots of LEGO construction inside and linked roof terraces and public playgrounds outside. For these roof terraces, we designed 9 themed playgrounds, each telling the story of a different journey to LEGO House.

Whether it's by hot air balloon, rocket ship, submarine or on camel-back, the journey to LEGO House is never boring or without its challenges - you may even have to navigate treacherous shark-infested waters to get there! Kids are invited to become part of the narrative and play the lead role in these adventures.

One of our architect's sketches illustrating the placement of the 9 playgrounds on the impressive maze of roof terraces at LEGO House.
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