Above & Beyond Children's Museum, Sheboygan, WI - 2022
Above & Beyond Children's Museum
The Above & Beyond Children's Museum is an amazing place for children and their families where play and education connect through exploration and discovery. To embody this mission outside the actual museum building, the museum sought to create an inclusive, all-abilities playground where children and their parents could explore and discover the dream of the purple octopus!
MONSTRUM designed a playground, where kids get to dive in and join the underwater adventure! They can run, roll, climb, balance, and jump on the various elements with varying degrees of difficulty. The octopus' head is designed with a transfer platform for wheelchair users, enabling them to enjoy the slide. Beyond this, the layout of the playground is designed in an open manner so as to facilitate wheelchair access. Designing with inclusivity in mind is more than considering wheelchair access alone, therefore tactile elements such as the tentacles are designed to stimulate the senses and provide a sensory experience.

The octopus playground bustling with life on a sunny Wisconsin day.

Accessibility was at the heart of the design process for this playground and the transfer platform up to the slide is a great feature for wheelchair users.

The octopus is rearing its head above the water and its tentacles form the shape & flow of the playground in the rubber design and the protruding tentacles above the rubber.

One of the octopus' tentacles serves as the frame for this fun swingset!