Partille, Sweden - 2016
Landskabsgruppen AB
City of Partille
The Beaver playground is situated in a large residential living area with apartment buildings designed by IKEA. Since the buildings are made out of wood, the playground is centered around this theme. The beaver is the main element of the playground as it is known for building dams, canals, and home for themselves in wood. They use their powerful front teeth to cut trees and other plants that they use both for building and for food. Even more they are a charming character that works well in a universe made for kids.
Beside the beaver, the playground consists of many trunks, climbable flowers and tall towers made to look like huge logs. The color palette of the playground is set in natural brown shades, and the impact material consists of both EPDM rubber and wood chips, which fits the theme well.
The city of Partille named the beaver 'Justin Beaver' by a competition and voting for the best name.

The beaver is a large construction measuring 10 meters long and 4 meters tall. It can be entered through the bottom or it can be climbed.

The playground is designed with integrated light for the best play experience during winter.

The playground is filled with trunks for the kids to climb and balance on.