Copenhagen, Denmark - 2009
GHB Landscape Architects for the City of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen Kommune
Nørrebroparken is a green zone in Copenhagen offering adventures for both children and adults. MONSTRUM participated in a renovation of the park and enjoyed the task of innovating a playground with challenges for the older children particularly. The playground was designed in cooperation with GHB Landscape Architects for the City of Copenhagen.
The airplane is a mysterious playgound to be explored. Who flew this plane? What happened? The body of the plane is hollow for the kids to venture through. They can climb into the cockpit and further out on the wing, where they can test their balance skills high up in the air and use the climbing grips to help them on their way.

The kids can balance on the wings of the airplane and imagine flying in the air.

The body of the plane is hollow so that you can climb into the cockpit and further out on the wing.

The playground also includes a shipwrecked gallion with a slide on its back.